Vampires, Scones, and Edmund Herondale (The Bane Chronicles #3)

Vampires, Scones, and Edmund Herondale (The Bane Chronicles #3)

The Bane Chronicles

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Vampires, Scones, and Edmund Herondale (The Bane Chronicles #3)

Magnus Bane leverages his alliances with Downworlders and Shadowhunters on a venture to Victorian London. One of ten adventures in The Bane Chronicles.

When immortal warlock Magnus Bane attends preliminary peace talks between the Shadowhunters and the Downworlders in Victorian London, he is charmed by two very different people: the vampire Camille Belcourt and the young Shadowhunter, Edmund Herondale. Will winning hearts mean choosing sides?

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Do you like this book you can buy books: 

Vampires, Scones, and Edmund Herondale (The Bane Chronicles #3)

Magnus Bane leverages his alliances with Downworlders and Shadowhunters on a venture to Victorian London. One of ten adventures in The Bane Chronicles.

When immortal warlock Magnus Bane attends preliminary peace talks between the Shadowhunters and the Downworlders in Victorian London, he is charmed by two very different people: the vampire Camille Belcourt and the young Shadowhunter, Edmund Herondale. Will winning hearts mean choosing sides?

Cassandra Clare
17 Novel


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