Ecstasy in Darkness (Alien Huntress #5)
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“You didn’t drink from me,” she said with a pout.
“I’m saving that for round two.”
McKell did bite her during round two. And round three. But their connection wouldn’t be complete until she bit him. Ava knew that.
She lay utterly exhausted on the mattress, her man perched above her, staring down at her. They’d been too busy relearning each other’s bodies to talk, but now that she’d been reintroduced to every inch of him, it was time.
“Those three days without you were miserable, you know,” she said softly. “I want you now, later, for more days and years than a human life can give me.”
“Oh, sweetheart. There’s no happier man than me in this world or any other. Believe me.” Love shone in his eyes. So much love. And in that moment she knew beyond any doubt. He would never leave her, no matter how cranky she was. He would always want to be with her. Human, vampire, she was his.
A girl couldn’t ask for more than that.
“But I’m not going to turn you yet,” he said firmly. “Not until you’re ready.”
Was it any wonder she loved him? “Thank you. And I will be. Ready, I mean. Soon. First, I need to work some things out with my job.”
“Good. Just as long as you never realize you’re far too good for me, as a human or a vampire, I’ll be happy.”
“You keep saying things like that, and I’ll quickly become your slave.”
His lip quirked at the corners. “Impossible. There can only be one slave in a relationship, and I’m already yours.”
“There you go again.” Grinning, she caressed the curve of his cheek. “I won’t wait too long to vamp it up, I swear. Believe me, I’m not going to become an old hag while you walk around so gorgeous.”
Suddenly serious, he rubbed two fingers over his chin. “So you think I’m gorgeous, huh?”
She playfully punched his shoulder. “Just hush that beautiful mouth. You know I do. I’ve been hot for you from the first moment I saw you.”
“Prove it.”
“If only I had the energy, you lech.”
“A vampire would have the energy,” he teased. She’d never seen him in so playful a mood, and she loved it.
That was why she spent the next half hour proving exactly what a human could do. And then, after round four, she was really exhausted.
Now, back in their previous position, a sigh slipped from her. “So what do we do now?”
“Round five?” He sounded as exhausted as she felt.
“You wish.”
He thought for a moment. “Now we love each other, prepare AIR for the return of their greatest enemy, and then love each other some more.”
“I like that plan.”
“I hoped you would, sweetheart. If you hadn’t, I would have had to switch to Plan B.”
“And what was that?”
“Tying you up with my whip, loving you, warning AIR, spanking you, and then loving you again. By the way, where is my whip?”
“I think Noelle stole it.” She laughed, so happy she could have burst. “Who would have thought I’d end up with such a master strategist?”
“Me. Obviously I’m the smart one of this pair. I fell in love with you, didn’t I?”
“Yes, but that’s because you’re also the pretty one.”
“And you did want a cute husband. You’re so lucky,” he told her with a grin.
“I know,” she said, sobering. “I really do know.”
“Sweetheart,” he replied, leaning down to kiss her. “I’m the lucky one, and I’ll prove it.” And just like that, they spiraled straight into round five.