Rise of the Evening Star (Fablehaven #2)
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He's just trying to upset you.
How can I understand him? Kendra asked. The fairies?
It must be, Grandma said, walking swiftly. We should have more answers tomorrow. Your grandfather got through to the Sphinx this morning and set up a meeting for tomorrow afternoon.
Me too? Seth asked.
Both of you, Grandma said. But keep it between us and your grandfather. We want everyone else to think we're going on an outing into town. They don't know that the
Sphinx is currently nearby.
Sure, Kendra said.
What was the imp saying? Seth asked.
That he was going to dance on our graves, Kendra said.
Seth spun around and cupped his hands beside his mouth like a megaphone. Only if they bury us in your cruddy cell, he yelled. He glanced at Grandma. Think he heard me?143Coulter
He's not here, Seth said, checking his wristwatch.
He'll be here soon, Kendra said.
They sat together on a stone bench at the edge of an oval section of lawn with a marble birdbath near the center.
The sun had not been up long, but the day was already getting warm. A cluster of fairies played among the blossoms of a nearby shrub. Others hovered over the birdbath, admiring their reflections.
The fairies haven't been very friendly lately, Seth said.
Kendra scratched her temple. They probably just need their space.
They were so friendly before we left last summer, after you led them against Bahumat.
They were probably just extra excited.144Try to talk to them, Seth said. If you can understandimps, I bet you can understand fairies too.
I tried last night. They ignored me.
Seth glanced at his watch again. I say we go do something else. Coulter's like ten minutes late. And he picked the most boring spot in all of Fablehaven to make us wait.
Maybe we're in the wrong place.
Seth shook his head. This is where he said.
I'm sure he'll come, Kendra said.
By the time he does, we'll have to leave to visit the
Coulter suddenly appeared in front of them, standing on the lawn not ten feet away, blocking their view of the birdbath.
One instant there was nothing, the next, he had popped into existence, leaning on his walking stick. I suppose
I wasn't meant to hear that, Coulter said.
Kendra shrieked, and Seth jumped to his feet. Where did you come from? Seth yelped.
Take more care what you say out in the open, Coulter said. You never know who may be listening. I'm sure your grandparents wanted your visit to the Sphinx kept a secret.
Why were you eavesdropping? Kendra accused.
To prove a point, Coulter said. Believe me, if I
weren't on your side, and you had given me that information,
I would not have tipped my hand by revealing myself.
By the way, Kendra, fairies are jealous by nature. There's no surer way to earn their dislike than to become popular.
How did you do that? Seth asked.
Coulter held up a fingerless leather glove, letting it hang145 limp. One of my prize possessions. I deal in magical trinkets,tokens, and artifacts. Tanu has his potions, Vanessa has her critters-I have my magic glove. Among other things.
Can I try it? Seth asked.
All in good time, Coulter said, pocketing the glove and clearing his throat. I understand Tanu got you off to a fine start yesterday. He knows his business. You'd do well to heed him.
We will, Kendra said.
Before we begin, Coulter said, shifting his feet as if he were feeling a tad uncomfortable, I want to make one thing clear. He gave Kendra an uncertain glance. No matter how careful you are about personal hygiene, it is perfectly natural for a teenage girl to develop an occasional pimple.
Kendra hid her face in her hands. Seth grinned.
Such things are a natural part of the maturation process, Coulter continued. You may begin to notice other changes as-
Kendra raised her head. I'm not embarrassed about it, she insisted. It was just the potion.
Coulter nodded patronizingly. Well, if you ever need to talk about... growing up-
That's very kind, Kendra blurted, holding up both hands to stop him from saying more. I'll let you know if I
want to talk. Zits happen. I'm okay with it. Seth looked like he was about to explode with laughter, but he managed to contain himself.
Coulter wiped a hand across the top of his head, flattening his little tuft of gray hair. He had reddened slightly.146 Right. Enough said about hormones. Shifting gears. Hepaused for a moment, rubbing his hands together. What do the two of you want me to teach you?
How to make ourselves invisible, Seth said.
I mean generally, Coulter clarified. Why do you want to apprentice with me?
So we can learn how to protect ourselves from magical creatures, Kendra said.
And so we can help out around here, Seth said. I'm sick of staying in the yard.
Coulter wagged a finger. A preserve like Fablehaven is a dangerous place. In my line of work, any degree of carelessness can lead to disaster. And by disaster I mean death. No second chances. Just a cold, lonely coffin.
The new soberness in his tone had quickly changed the mood. Kendra and Seth listened attentively.
Those woods, Coulter said, sweeping a hand toward the trees, are teeming with creatures who would love nothing more than to drown you. To cripple you. To devour you.
To turn you to stone. If you let your guard down for a moment, if you forget for a second that every one of the creatures on this preserve is potentially your worst enemy, you won't have any more chance of surviving than a worm on a henhouse floor. Am I getting through to you?
Kendra and Seth nodded.
I don't tell you this out of cruelty, Coulter said. I'm not trying to shock you with exaggerations. I want you to go into this with your eyes wide open. People in my profession die all the time. Talented, cautious people. No matter how147careful you are, there is always the chance of running acrosssomething more terrible than you are prepared to handle. Or you might find yourself in a situation you've dealt with a hundred times, but you make a mistake, and you never get a second chance. If either of you expects to venture out into those woods with me, I don't want you clinging to a false sense of security. I've had my close calls, and I've seen people die. I'll do my best to keep you safe, but it is only fair to warn you that on any given day, even doing something that might seem routine, if we're out in those woods, we could all perish.
I'll not have you along without making that clear.
We know it's risky, Seth said.
Something else I ought to tell you now. If we're all in mortal peril, and it looks like saving you means sacrificing myself, or worse, sacrificing both of us, I'm probably going to save myself. I'd expect you to do the same. If I can protect you, I will; if not... you've been warned. Coulter raised his hands. I don't want your ghosts showing up moaning about how I didn't warn you.
We've been warned, Kendra said. We won't haunt you.
I might haunt you a little, Seth said.
Coulter snorted, hawked up some phlegm, and spat.
Now, I intend to keep us far from situations where our lives are in jeopardy, but there's always a possibility the worst could happen, and if that's a risk you're unwilling to take, speak now, because once we're out in the woods, it may be too late.148 I'm in, Seth said. I'm still sad I didn't get to go yesterday.I'm in too, Kendra said bravely. But I was fine with yesterday.
That reminds me, Coulter said, I'm a little old-fashioned in some ways, and that carries over to this arrangement.
Call it outdated chivalry, but there are some places I
don't feel women should go. Not because they aren't intelligent or able. I just feel there is a certain respect with which a lady should be treated.
Are you saying there are places you'd take Seth but not me? Kendra asked.
That's what I'm saying. And you hold all the feminist rallies you want, it won't shake my opinion. Coulter spread his hands. If you want somebody else to take you, and they're willing, I can't do much about that.
What about Vanessa? Kendra exclaimed incredulously.
What about Grandma? Although part of her didn't even want to go to the dangerous places Coulter was talking about, the idea that her gender would prevent him from taking her was deeply insulting.
Vanessa and your grandma are free to do as they please, as are you. But I'm also free to do as I please, and there are some places I would rather not take a woman, no matter how capable she might be, Vanessa and your grandmother included.
Kendra stood up. But you'd take Seth? He's two years younger than me and practically brain dead!149 My brain is not the issue, Seth said, enjoying theargument.
Coulter pointed at Seth with his walking stick. At twelve, he's on his way to becoming a man. There are plenty of places I wouldn't take either of you, if that brings any consolation.
Places none of us would take you until you're much older and more experienced. There are even places we wouldn't go ourselves.
But there are places you'd take my little brother and not me, just because I'm a girl, Kendra pressed.
I wouldn't have brought it up if I didn't foresee it happening within the next few days, Coulter said.
Kendra shook her head. Unbelievable. You know that
Fablehaven wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me.
Coulter shrugged apologetically. You did a wonderful thing, and I'm not trying to detract from that. I'm not talking about ability. If I had a daughter and a son, there are certain things I see myself doing with one and not the other.
I know everybody is busy trying to pretend boys and girls are exactly the same nowadays, but that isn't how I see it. If it makes you feel better, I'll share everything I know with both of you, and most places we'll be going, we can all go.
And I'll get somebody else to take me where you won't, Kendra promised.
That's your prerogative, Coulter said.
Can we move on to something else? Seth asked.
Can we? Coulter asked Kendra.
There's nothing else for me to say, Kendra said, still frustrated.150 Coulter acted like he didn't notice her tone. As I wastelling you before, my specialty is magical items. There are all sorts of magical items in the world. Many have burned out-they were once magical but have run out of energy and lost their power. Others remain functional but can only be used a limited number of times. And others seem to draw from an endless supply of magical energy.
Is the glove limited? Seth asked.
Coulter held up the glove again. I've been using it for years, and the effects never seem to dwindle. For all I can tell, it will work forever. But like most magical items, it has certain limitations. He slipped it onto his hand and disappeared.
As long as I hold still, you can see nothing.
Different story if I move around. Coulter began to flicker in and out of view. He was wiggling his head. When he waved an arm, he flashed into clear view until he stopped.
The glove only works if you're motionless, Kendra said.
Coulter was no longer visible. Correct. I can talk, I can blink, I can breathe. Much more movement than that, and I
become visible. He took off the glove, reappearing instantly. Which is quite an inconvenience. Once I've been spotted, this glove isn't very handy for getting away. It also doesn't mask my smell. For maximum effect, I have to slip it on before I've been seen, in a situation where I can hold still, and where no being that can discern my presence through senses other than sight is present.
That's why you had us meet you here, Seth said. So you could come early and get ready to spy on us.151 See? Coulter said to Kendra. He isn't brain dead.Naturally, if I were really intent on spying on you, I would have stood behind the bench in the bushes. But I wanted to make a dramatic appearance, so I trusted to luck that you wouldn't run into me and ruin my surprise.
Your footprints must have been obvious on the lawn,
Kendra pointed out.
Coulter bobbed his head. The grass was newly trimmed, and I stamped around a bit before I chose my spot, but yes, had you been paying proper attention, you could have noticed the imprints of my feet on the lawn. But I guessed right. You didn't.
Can I try out the glove? Seth asked.
Some other time, Coulter said. Listen. I would prefer that you kept my glove a secret. Your grandparents know, but I would rather keep it from the others. Doesn't pay to let the world in on your best tricks.
Seth mimed like he was locking his lips shut and tossing away the key. I won't tell, Kendra said.
Keeping secrets is an important skill to master in my line of work, Coulter said. Especially with the Society out there, always scheming to gather information and exploit weaknesses. I tell my best secrets only to people I know I can trust. Otherwise the secret becomes a rumor just like that.
He snapped his fingers. You practice keeping the confidences
I share with you. Believe me, if I learn you've told anyone, you'll never hear another secret from me.
You better keep an eye on Kendra, Seth said.
I never promised to keep that secret, she maintained.152 I'll be keeping an eye on both of you. And I'll up thestakes for the test. He held up a small greenish pod. There is a species of pixie in Norway that loses its wings at the onset of winter. The pixie spends the coldest winter months hibernating m a cocoon like this one. When spring comes, the pixie emerges with a beautiful new set of wings.
Seth wrinkled his nose. We have to keep that a secret?
I haven't finished. After the proper treatments and preparations, these cocoons become valuable items. If I pop this cocoon into my mouth and bite down hard, it will instantly expand and envelop me. I'll be inside an absolutely impervious shelter, completely safe from any external threat.
Enough carbon dioxide filters out of the cocoon, and enough oxygen filters into it, to keep me comfortable-even underwater!
The moist inner walls are edible. Together with the moisture they absorb from the outside, the cocoon walls could sustain me for months. And despite the impenetrable outer carapace, from inside, with a little work, I can break free whenever I choose.