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He waved a hand. “My fault. I should have made more noise.”
I wiped the back of my arm across my forehead, suddenly self-conscious. “Did you need something?”
He shook his head, as if clearing out cobwebs. I bit my lip, as guilt warred with amusement. Over the last few months, I’d wanted to clean Orpheus’s clock more than once after he’d done some asshole thing. But the truth was I never would have landed that punch if he’d seen it coming.
“It’s about Maisie,” he said. “Rhea came to me last night and told me about your talk.”
I schooled my features at his mention of my mentor because it reminded me of my problems with Adam. Did Rhea know what happened? Did she tell Orpheus? But obviously, the leader of the mage race had more important issues to worry about than my relationship troubles.
“I wish you had come to us sooner,” he continued. “But I suppose I understand how your desire to be loyal to Maisie made you hesitate.”
I nodded. “Thanks for understanding. What did you two decide?”
“We agreed that immediate action must be taken. Obviously, refusing to sleep is dangerous to Maisie’s health.”
I raised a brow. “Yes, her health.”
He paused and shot me a sharp look. “Save your judgment, Sabina. Yes, I am also concerned about what this development means for the treaty signing. But as much as you’d like to believe I am just a cold politician, I’ve known that girl longer than you. Hell, I practically raised her alongside Ameritat. Seeing her in pain hurts me as much as, if not more than, it hurts you.”
I sighed and softened my expression. “I know. I just wish we didn’t have this treaty deadline looming. She needs time to heal.”
“If wishes solved problems, the world would be a very different place.”
“I hear that,” I said. “So what’s the next step?”
“I’ve given Rhea leave to move forward with the plan to trick Maisie into doing the incubation.”
“Really?” My eyebrows rose. “I figured you’d be against it.”
He grimaced. “Let’s just say Rhea can be quite persuasive when she wants to be.” He rubbed his head as if comforting an old wound. “She convinced me that this is the only way to help Maisie.”
“So where do I come in?” I asked. I figured I was the last person Rhea would want help from now.
“You’re going to assist in the ritual.” He frowned as if I’d asked a trick question. “Rhea said she’d already discussed it with you.”
My eyebrows shot up to my hairline. “Of course. Sorry.” I was shocked Rhea would allow me to help. That meant she was either desperate for help… or she didn’t know about Adam and me.
He frowned. “Is that a problem?”
I shook my head. “Not at all.”
“Good. Rhea is going to invite Maisie to go to the Crossroads this evening under the guise of getting away from the city for a couple of days. It’ll give Rhea a chance to do the necessary cleansing rituals without tipping Maisie off to their real purpose. Plus, being close to the ley line in the Sacred Grove for twenty-four hours will help prepare Maisie for the incubation. Tomorrow night, you’ll go out there for dinner. Rhea will slip a sedative into Maisie’s food and then you will proceed with the ritual.”
He noticed my grimace at his mention of the sedative.
“Don’t get squeamish on us now, Sabina,” he said, his tone rueful. “You’ve committed far more heinous crimes for far less noble causes. Don’t let your conscience get in the way of what needs to be done. Not when so much is at stake. This may be our last chance to get Maisie back.”
I swallowed the bile rising in my throat. I didn’t like the idea of tricking Maisie, but Orpheus was right. I’d murdered people for looking at me the wrong way. This betrayal, at least, might have a positive outcome. And gods knew, where Maisie was concerned, we needed some good news.
“I’ll be there.”
“Good. Thank you.”
I hesitated, wondering if now was a good time to bring up the other issue I wanted to speak to him about. It’d been so long since Orpheus and I had a positive conversation, I hated to ruin it. On the other hand, I didn’t want to miss this opportunity to find out if Alexis was really taking over control of the BLD.
“Listen, have you and the Despina made a decision about Slade’s position yet?”
He took a deep breath. “Sabina, I know Slade’s your friend—”
“No, that’s not why I’m asking. I mean, sure, I think Slade got the shaft—” He raised a warning eyebrow. “Sorry but it’s the truth. Anyway, I ask because Alexis seemed pretty sure she’d be taking over that role.”
Orpheus crossed his arms. “No final decisions have been made,” he said, evading the question. “Should I take it you doubt Alexis’s suitability?”
“Look, it’s not that I think she’s unskilled. She’s clearly well trained and strong. But does she have the judgment and patience a leader needs for such a politically sensitive role?” I shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. Not after she killed Tiny.”
Orpheus stiffened, as if preparing to argue, but I cut off his objections.
“Relax. I’m not going to argue that Tiny wasn’t the killer. There haven’t been any more killings, so it appears my objections might have been… reactionary.” His eyebrows rose, his expression heavy with irony. But I’d be staked before I admitted to being wrong. “Anyway, my concerns about Alexis have more to do with her impulsivity and lack of knowledge about the workings of New York vampire culture. Is that really who you want in such a strategically critical and politically sensitive position?”
Instead of arguing with me or telling me I was overreacting, like he normally did, Orpheus put a hand on my arm and shot me a smile. “I appreciate you sharing your concerns. But let me ask you this: If you don’t approve of Alexis, whom would you suggest?”
I raised my chin. “Slade.”
I held up a hand. “No, hear me out. If we all agree that Tiny was the culprit, then we also have to admit that Slade was set up. Punishing him for Tiny’s manipulations is unfair.”
“Sabina, I understand what you’re saying. I’ve worked with The Shade for years and have always found him capable. But like it or not, his ability to lead effectively was compromised by Tiny’s scheme. We need a strong, competent leader to guide the city’s vampires into the new era.” He smiled to soften the unfairness of the situation. “And I’m afraid Slade Corbin isn’t the man for that job.”
“But you think Alexis is?”
“I didn’t say that.” Orpheus’s expression became shuttered. “Look, the Despina went home to Los Angeles for a few days to handle some pressing business. No decision will be made until she returns in time for the Imbolc festival. In the meantime, I’m afraid you’re going to just have to trust me on this.”
Trust? How could I trust him when he’d proven himself so easily swayed in the past? But what choice did I have? Throwing a fit and starting a fight would only make his mind more closed to other possibilities. Plus, like his decisions or not, Orpheus always tried to do what was in the best interest for the entire race. I might not always like the results, but I couldn’t fault his intentions. So instead of arguing with him, I sighed. “Okay, since you trusted Rhea and me to take care of Maisie, I’ll trust you to not fuck up in choosing a good leader.”
His lip twitched. “Thanks so much for that vote of confidence.”
After my discussion with Orpheus, I returned to the apartment for a quick shower before Georgia and I headed out to find Michael. She sat on the couch, dressed and ready to go when I walked in.
“There you are,” she said, sounding nervous. “I was worried you’d bailed.”
“Just grabbed a quick workout. I need to change and then we can go,” I said. “Where are Giguhl and Pussy Willow?”
“They had to go audition some new girls for the Roller Derby team. They have another bout in a couple of nights.”
I frowned. “Why do they need new girls?”
Georgia looked uncomfortable. “If our talk with Michael doesn’t go well, they’ll be down two players.”
I nodded but didn’t comment. I didn’t want to entertain the possibility of the talk not having a positive outcome. “I’ll be right back.”
When I reached my room, I noticed right away something was off. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew Adam had been there. I stepped back into the hall. “Hey, Georgia?”
“Was Adam here?”
A beat. “Yes. He came to get some clothes while you were gone. I’m sorry I didn’t mention it but I didn’t want to upset you.”
It was a good thing she couldn’t see me from the living room because her news made me slump against the wall in defeat. Had Adam been watching the apartment, hoping I’d leave so he could sneak in? Was he really that determined not to be near me?
“Sabina?” Georgia called, waiting for an answer.
Forcing a casual tone, I called back, “Did he say where he’s staying?”
“No,” she admitted. “He didn’t say much at all, actually.”
“Okay, thanks.”
I escaped into my room and headed to the bathroom. Next to the sink, a glaring blank spot where Adam’s toothbrush normally sat flashed like neon. It was such a small thing, the absence, but it felt huge.
I forced myself to turn away before I took an inventory of everything else he’d taken. Soon, the shower’s hot spray eased my tense muscles. The soap scrubbed off the stink and sweat, like a baptism. Too bad it couldn’t wash away the regret.
Georgia and I walked into Vein an hour later. I’d made a few calls after my shower and tracked Michael down to the club. Apparently, he had a weekly meeting with The Shade to report on pack business. With the Despina back in Los Angeles and the new leader not being announced for a few days, Slade was still unofficially in charge of the Black Light District.