Still Life (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #1)

Page 15 :

By now their walking had slowed and petered to a stop.

‘I found Jane just lying—’

Gamache interrupted, ‘From the time you woke up, please.’ Ben raised an eyebrow but did as he was asked.

‘I woke up at about seven. I always get up with the sun. The light comes into my bedroom and I never bothered to get curtains. I got up, had a shower and the rest, and fed Daisy.’ He watched their faces closely, looking for some sign that he was giving too much or too little detail. The woman agent looked as puzzled as he felt. The tall good-looking Inspector (Ben had already forgotten their names) was writing everything down. And the boss looked interested and encouraging. ‘Then we went outside for a walk, but she has arthritis and this morning she was very sore. Daisy’s a dog, by the way. Anyway, I let her back in the house and took myself off for a walk. This was a quarter to eight.’ Ben figured, correctly, they’d be interested in the timing. ‘It takes just a few minutes to walk here, up the road and past the school house then into the woods.’

‘Did you see anyone?’ Beauvoir asked.

‘No, I didn’t. It’s possible someone saw me, but I missed them. I tend to walk with my head down, lost in thought. I’ve passed right by people without noticing them. My friends know that about me and don’t take offense. I was walking along the path and something made me look up.’

‘Please try to remember, Mr Hadley. If you normally walk with your head down, why would you raise it?’

‘Odd, isn’t it? I can’t remember. But unfortunately, as I said, I’m normally lost in thought. Never deep or important thoughts. My mother used to laugh and say some people try to be in two places at once. I, on the other hand, am generally nowhere.’ Ben laughed, but Nichol privately thought that was an awful thing for a mother to say.

‘She was right, of course. Look at today. Beautiful sunshine. I’m walking through the gorgeous woods. It’s like a postcard, but I don’t notice anything, don’t appreciate it, except perhaps sometime later when I’m somewhere else and thinking about this walk. It seems my mind is constantly one step behind my body.’

‘Looking up, sir,’ Beauvoir prompted.

‘I really can’t think what made me look up, but it’s a good thing I did. I might have fallen right over her. Funny but it never occurred to me that she was dead. I was reluctant to disturb her. I kind of tiptoed up and called her name. Then I noticed a stillness and my mind just kind of exploded. I thought she’d had a stroke, or heart attack.’ He shook his head, still in disbelief.

‘Did you actually touch the wound?’ Beauvoir asked.

‘I think I might have. I just remember leaping up and wiping my hands on my pants. I panicked and like a—I don’t know what - an hysterical child I ran in circles. Idiot! Anyway, I finally got a hold of myself and dialed 911 on my cell phone.’

‘I’m curious,’ said Gamache. ‘Why did you bring a cell phone to walk in the woods?’

‘These woods belong to my family and every fall hunters trespass. I’m not a brave man, I’m afraid, but I can’t tolerate killing. Killing anything. I have spiders in my home with names. In the mornings when I go for a walk I bring a cell phone. Partly out of fear that I’ll get shot by some drunken hunter and need to call for help and partly to call Natural Resources and get a warden up here if I do spot someone.’

‘And what would that number be?’ asked Chief Inspector Gamache pleasantly.

‘I don’t know. I have it on my speed dial. I know that my hands shake when I’m nervous, so I just programmed the number in.’ Ben looked concerned for the first time and Inspector Gamache took him by the arm and led him further up the path.

‘I’m sorry about these questions. You’re an important witness and, frankly, the person who finds the body is near the top of our list of suspects.’

Ben stopped in his tracks and looked at the Inspector, incredulous.

‘Suspected of what? What are you saying?’ Ben turned around and looked back in the direction they’d come, toward Jane’s body. ‘That’s Jane Neal over there. A retired schoolteacher who tended roses and ran the ACW, the Anglican Church Women. It can’t be anything other than an accident. You don’t understand. Nobody would kill her on purpose.’

Nichol was watching this exchange and now waited with some satisfaction for Chief Inspector Gamache to set this stupid man straight.

‘You’re absolutely right, Mr Hadley. That’s by far the likeliest possibility.’ Yvette Nichol couldn’t believe her ears. Why didn’t he just tell Hadley to get off his soapbox and let them do their jobs? After all, he was the idiot who disturbed the body then ran around messing up and contaminating the whole site. He was hardly in a position to lecture a man as senior and respected as Gamache.