The Mage in Black (Sabina Kane #2)
Page 13 :
“Yes, the timing of the vision was what told me you’d be involved in finding the mages. But the image itself told me you had a far larger role to play. The golden lotus is a major symbol for Lilith. And the scene itself re-creates the flight of Lilith from the Garden of Eden after she was spurned by Adam.”
I cocked my head. Now that she mentioned it, I realized that’s why the image felt so familiar. Every vampire is taught the dark-race version of the creation story. Lilith was the first wife in Eden, created from dust just like Adam. They were supposed to be equals, but when she demanded Adam lay beneath her during sex, he balked. Tired of his heavy-handed ways, she invoked the forbidden name of God and flew from the garden.
“I remember the story,” I said. “But I don’t get what it has to do with me.”
Rhea came forward then. “Remember what we said about the Chosen uniting the dark races? The prophecy as we know it predicts Lilith’s return. Call me crazy, but I think a vision where you’re literally re-creating Lilith’s emancipation from Eden is a pretty clear sign you’re this new Lilith.”
I had no response to that bombshell. I was literally speechless. Not because I felt overwhelmed with honor or anything. But because the idea was so freakin’ ridiculous my mind exploded.
Maisie watched me closely, allowing me to process her revelation. Rhea, however, misinterpreted my silence as awe. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but with the war looming we don’t have time to waste. We need to get your training started immediately so you’ll be prepared.”
I waved my hands in the air and shook my head, as if trying to shake off the crazy. “Hold on just a damned minute. Prepared for what?”
“Haven’t you been listening?” Rhea said. “Your destiny is to unite all the dark races. In order to do that, you have to learn to harness your magic.”
“And by unite the dark races, you mean what exactly?”
“Overcome centuries of hostility among the races, bring us all together peacefully, and lead us.”
A bark of laughter escaped my lips. “Riiight. I’ll get right on that.”
“Sarcasm is the weak mind’s crutch, Sabina,” Rhea said. “You can do better than that.”
I crossed my arms. “How about this: You’re both insane! I’m not a leader.”
“Not yet, but you will be,” Rhea countered.
“Look, lady, I get that you believe all this woo-woo bullshit.” I motioned wide to indicate the painting, the prophecy, the vision quest, everything they’d told me. The females frowned at me. “But I’m a realist. I don’t believe in destiny. I don’t believe in prophecies. And I sure as hell don’t believe in being some foretold Chosen.”
“Why not?” Maisie said.
“Because I believe in free will. Choice. And I choose not to be the Chosen.”
“It doesn’t work that way, Sabina,” Rhea said. “The universe has a plan for you. You can insulate yourself from the truth by believing in the illusion of choice. But one way or the other, your choices will eventually take you exactly where the universe wants you to go.”
Seeing we weren’t ever going to agree on the issue of fate, I decided to try another tactic. “What if you’re wrong about all this?”
Maisie and Rhea frowned. “What do you mean?”
I pointed to the painting. “You admitted you have to interpret the symbols in your dreams, which means there’s a chance you’ll misinterpret them. So I repeat, what if you’re wrong?”
“There’s always a margin of error. But in this case, the evidence is quite strong I’m correct. In addition to the proof I’ve mentioned, there’s something else. You’ve survived being staked by apple wood not once, but twice. That’s pretty remarkable, given no other vampire could survive such an attack. Neither could a mage without immediate intervention, by the way. So that begs the question, why are you immune? One could argue it’s because you have a special purpose that requires super-preternatural powers.”
I rolled my eyes. “Or one could argue that the mixing of my blood gave me the immunity. Have you ever been staked?”
She shook her head and frowned.
“Right, so how do you know you’re not also immune?”
“If it’s all right with you, I think I’ll skip trying it out just to see.”
I smiled tightly. “And you still haven’t answered my question. What if you’re wrong?”
Maisie crossed her arms. “If I’m wrong, then the universe will offer another sign to help us correct course.”
“Oh, that’s convenient. Look, I’m sorry if this offends you, but what you call evidence, I call delusions. You want to prove something to me? Don’t offer up dream analysis and drug-induced hallucinations. Show me hard evidence. Show me facts. But don’t expect me to go all in on this Chosen thing based on faith alone.”
Rhea smiled. “Ah.”
I frowned at her knowing expression. “What?”
“Oh, nothing. It just makes sense now. You’ve lived your entire life following orders. The Dominae trained you to be a machine, trusting only their authority and ignoring your own instincts. But then you found out they lied to you, and you were forced to wake up. I’d imagine something like that makes it hard to trust anything or anyone—including yourself.”
My jaw tightened. “Don’t psychoanalyze me, mancy.”
She laughed. “It’s not psychoanalysis. It’s facts. Isn’t that what you wanted? The Dominae betrayed you, and you did something about that. But now you’re struggling. You’re used to taking orders and using your fists to deal with problems. And now we’re asking you to believe that there’s more to you than being a death machine. We’re asking you to rely on your instincts and to tap into powers you were raised to hide. It’s only natural you’d be scared.”
I leaned toward Rhea, towering over her. She met my menacing stare with a serene smile. Her lack of intimidation pissed me off even more. “I’m not scared.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Prove it.”
“I don’t have to prove anything to either of you.”
“Then prove it to yourself. Prove that the Dominae didn’t break you. Prove that there’s more to you than fists and that chip on your shoulder.”
I realized then the fists she referred to were clenched and ready to strike. I forced myself to relax, releasing the knots in my shoulders and allowing the blood back into my fingers. My anger was blinding me to Rhea’s strategy, and I’d allowed her to poke at the recent, tender wounds I hid behind layers of swagger. “I see what you’re doing, mage.”
“I fully expect you do. You’re a smart girl.” She smiled. “I’ll tell you what, you don’t want to believe in the prophecy, that’s cool. Time will tell whether it’s true or not. Instead, why not focus on the other benefit of learning how to use your magic?”
I narrowed my eyes. “What’s that?”
“You’re already physically strong, no doubt about it. But think about the added advantage being able to use magic would give you in a fight.”
I paused, thinking it over. I’d been trained to be a killing machine when it came to vampires. But fighting magic users? The playing field suddenly changed to favor mages. That’s how the race had survived so long despite the vampires’ hatred of them. During the last war, called the War of Blood, the mages were winning before they sued for peace and the Black Covenant was drawn up. Luckily for the vampire race, the mages weren’t as bloodthirsty as their dark-race rivals. If it had been the vampires in the lead, the world would be a very different place today—a mage-free one.
And since vampires were now my enemy, too, knowing how to use magic would definitely work in my favor.
“And as I recall, your grandmother isn’t dead yet,” Rhea continued as I thought it over. “Chances are good you’ll face her again at some point. Think about how shocked she’ll be to learn you have a few new tricks up your sleeve.”
I cursed under my breath. The old woman was wily. I knew she was manipulating me, but damned if the image she painted didn’t appeal to my ego. I’m not proud to admit that I would love to see the look on my grandmother’s face when I used magic against her. She’d fucking flip her gourd. After all, she was the one who tried to do everything in her power to keep me from exploring my mage side. Becoming a kickass mage would piss her off big-time. I felt a smile spread on my lips.
“Just so we’re clear, I still don’t buy that I’m destined to lead the dark races.”
“Fair enough,” Rhea said. Behind her, Maisie’s worried expression turned into a wide smile. However, Rhea wasn’t done. “But I reserve the right to say ‘I told you so’ when it happens.”
I rolled my eyes. “And I reserve the right to laugh in your face when it doesn’t.”
She smiled. “It’s a deal.”
Hold up, they think you’re a what?” Giguhl’s claws held up his face as he lay on his stomach. He kicked his hooves behind him like a sixteen-year-old at a slumber party.
I nudged him with my hip to sit down. It was my bed, after all. “K-thon-ic,” I enunciated. “I guess it’s some kind of dark magic involving death and sex and stuff.”
His shaggy eyebrows raised. “Awesome!”
I shot him a look. “You think so?”
“Hell, yes. Think about it, Sabina. You’re gonna be so kickass once you know how to do that stuff.”
“I thought I was already kickass,” I said with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, yeah, but now you’ll have wicked mage skills to back up your vampire ones.”
I shrugged. “I guess so.”
“Wait, why aren’t you more excited about all this?”
I plucked a string on the comforter. “There’s something else.”